86% of respondents thought our service was either Good or Very Good (n=49)
86% of respondents thought our service was either Good or Very Good (n=49)
80% of respondents (n128) rated our service as either “Very Good” or “Good”.
Do you have questions about vaccines being offered to your family at the moment?
The Healthy Eating and nutrition workshops will restart next month from Monday 6th November 12-13:30 for 5 weeks, this cohort will run in Bengali and will offer an introduction to healthy eating.
Chronic Pain sessions will also be restarting in English from the 21st November 23. These are monthly sessions and will be delivered via TH Talking therapies for anyone who struggles with chronic pain.
Community Wellbeing HUB is also piloting once a month Wellbeing workshops with TH Talking therapies at the Tarling East Community Centre starting Thursday 2nd November 11-12. The topics each month have been coproduced with their patients and community members. Anyone over the age of 18 can join these workshops.
The Healthy Eating and nutrition workshops will restart next month from Monday 6th November 12-13:30 for 5 weeks, this cohort will run in Bengali and will offer an introduction to healthy eating.
Chronic Pain sessions will also be restarting in English from the 21st November 23. These are monthly sessions and will be delivered via TH Talking therapies for anyone who struggles with chronic pain.
Community Wellbeing HUB is also piloting once a month Wellbeing workshops with TH Talking therapies at the Tarling East Community Centre starting Thursday 2nd November 11-12. The topics each month have been coproduced with their patients and community members. Anyone over the age of 18 can join these workshops.
Many thanks to everyone who organised a fantastic Young Persons’ Event. Aimed at 14 year olds with representation from Mental Health Services and Sexual Health.
93% of patients though that the service provided was either Good, or Very Good. This is out of a total of 56 respondents. This included Nurses, Healthcare Assistants, Doctors, Pharmacists and First Contact Physiotherapists.